Business To Buy
Chevron Gas station |
canton, Georgia |
Almost 2000,on marietta hwy,great potenial used to do 35k in/50k glns out, now 15k/21k out
rent 5200
needs improvment,good operator,required deposit for the gas supply,rack plus 1,for 10 yrs.
only serious buyers to move fast. |
Financials |
Price: $10,000 |
Gross Income: $15,000 |
Cash Flow: $0 |
FFE: $0 |
Inventory: $0 |
Real Estate Value: $0 |
About the Business |
Office Reference ID: #imphabe |
Year Established: 0 |
Financing: |
Training: |
Facilities: |
Competition: |
Growth: |
Business Listed By |
Name: Mosajet |
Company: americas realty |
Phone: 678-491-4658 |
The information in this listing has been provided by the business seller
or representative stated above. BusinessToBuy.Net has no stake in the sale of this business, has not verified the accuracy, completeness, and assumes no responsibility for this advertisement. Read our Terms and Conditions for more information. |
Business Listings by: Mosajet |
Photo | Listing Title | City | State | Price | Cash Flow |
Convenience store |
marietta |
Georgia |
$60,000 |
$72,000 |
High volume convenience store |
atlanta |
Georgia |
$250,000 |
$160,000 |
Take out restaurant |
downtown atlanta |
Georgia |
$30,000 |
$7,000 |
45k in/35k out gas station |
marietta |
Georgia |
$70,000 |
$7,900 |
convenience store |
monroue |
Georgia |
$55,000 |
$0 |
Computer service and sales |
Norcross |
Georgia |
$500,000 |
$20,000 |
Chevron Gas station |
canton |
Georgia |
$10,000 |
$0 |
wings & fish |
atlanta |
Georgia |
$150,000 |
$8,000 |
Liquor store |
rome |
Georgia |
$70,000 |
$7,000 |
Japanese/korean restaurant |
atlanta |
Georgia |
$80,000 |
$6,000 |
Citgo on peachtree industerial |
norcross |
Georgia |
$40,000 |
$0 |
Chinese Buffea |
Atlanta |
Georgia |
$100,000 |
$0 |
restaurant for lease |
marietta |
Georgia |
$2,500 |
$0 |
convenience store 124 |
snillville |
Georgia |
$40,000 |
$5,000 |