Business To Buy

Computer service and sales

Norcross, Georgia
A secured & future business check this out,A computer service & repair store will be a perfect choice for you, Already established, well known in norcross on a main street. Approximatly 2500 square feet,consisted of show room,repair & service area,office,bathroom and storage area with steel locked box.
Laptop,disktop,printers,cell phone & computer accessories
whole sale and retail.
lots of clients,leads,training and support will be given to the bussiness buyer along with the besiness
Plus low rent 1800 per month !! for three years renewable contract
And the profit will recover your money in short time.
Call me for more after you sign confedintiality agreement 6784914658


Price: $500,000
Gross Income: $0
Cash Flow: $20,000
FFE: $0
Inventory: $200,000
Real Estate Value: $0

About the Business

Office Reference ID: #compuisma
Year Established: 2009
Financing: 20%
Training: 30 days
Business Listed By
Name: Mosajet
Company: americas realty
Phone: 678-491-4658

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Business Listings by: Mosajet

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convenience store 124 snillville Georgia $40,000 $5,000
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