Great shop in the heart of Garden City and open year round. This place is known for their Philly Cheese-steaks and specialty hot dogs and they also have a full menu including burgers, sides etc. In addition they are located next to a family attraction and doing a strong Italian ice and ice cream business as well. Loyal local following and great word of mouth would allow new owners to come in and continue to grow the business and total overhead is extremely low for this very desirable location. Owners relocating. Contact Loree Reeder 843-448-1090 for more information!
Price: $25,000
Gross Income: $44,893
Cash Flow: $0
FFE: $0
Inventory: $800
Real Estate Value: $0
About the Business
Office Reference ID: #7997
Year Established: 2
Financing: No
Training: Yes - up to two weeks
Facilities: All other information will be available upon signing non-disclosure. Lease amount $700 per month includes lawn care.
Competition: Restaurants in area, no better cheesesteak within 100 miles
Growth: Suggestions: Soft serve Ice cream being added. Consider delivery service would increase sales. More advertisement, add special of the week signage would increase sales.
Business Listed By
Name: Loree Reeder
Company: Coastal Business Brokers
Phone: 843-448-1090
The information in this listing has been provided by the business seller
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