Business To Buy
Excellent Japanese Fine Dining & Sushi Restaurant |
Northern Nevada, Nevada |
Excellent Japanese Fine Dining Restaurant featuring Sushi located in the area's best shopping center. Restaurant is in the 5th year of operation with a strong record of Sales. Restaurant sales volume will exceed $1 million in 2013. Restaurant has a very good reputation for serving excellent food. Owner is relocating out of the area for family reasons and wishes to sell. |
Financials |
Price: $500,000 |
Gross Income: $988,000 |
Cash Flow: $160,000 |
FFE: $154,680 |
Inventory: $15,000 |
Real Estate Value: $0 |
About the Business |
Office Reference ID: #NV 2340 |
Year Established: 2008 |
Financing: All Cash, No Seller Financing |
Training: 4 weeks at 40 hours per week |
Facilities: Restaurant is located in Best Shopping Center in Metro Area. Restaurant location has great visibility and is end unit near mail highway. Total shopping center square footage is over 400,000. Restaurant space of 2985 Square Feet is leased. Current Lease expires in 8/31/2013 with 5 year lease option. Base Rent Rent is $7850 with CAM of $2821 including Taxes, Insurance, Advertising and Trash. |
Competition: Direct competition is located over 5 miles away and second direct competitor is located over 10 miles away. |
Growth: Lunch is a potential growth area and additional advertising is needed to make this restaurant better known. |
Business Listed By |
Name: Jim Edlund |
Company: - |
Phone: - |
The information in this listing has been provided by the business seller
or representative stated above. BusinessToBuy.Net has no stake in the sale of this business, has not verified the accuracy, completeness, and assumes no responsibility for this advertisement. Read our Terms and Conditions for more information. |
Business Listings by: Jim Edlund |